Free Keyword Rank Checker - A free Google keyword position checker online.

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Keyword Position Checker

Enter your domain name :

Keywords :

Check Positions upto :


Enter keywords in separate line.



About Keyword Position Checker


Use our free Keyword Position Checker to see where your keywords rank in Google.
Simply enter the domain name, keywords, and search engine, and then press the blue 'Check Position' button.


Is your SEO based on data?

To effectively compete for top positions in search engine results pages (SERPs), you must operate data-driven and not optimise blindly.

One of the most important pieces of information to have is your website's position in SERPs for the keywords you're targeting.

You'll need a Keyword Position Checker to figure that out.


What exactly is a keyword position?

A keyword position, in a nutshell, is the rank or rung a website occupies in search engines in respect to other competing websites for a certain phrase.

The goal of any SEO-savvy website owner or marketer is to capture and maintain one of the coveted top three positions in SERPs. To do so, you must first determine who is positioned where. As a result, you'll be able to develop an effective SEO plan to achieve your objectives.

It may take some time, but each milestone indicates that you're doing something correctly. The trick is to get started on it right away. And what is the first step? Determine your ranking position. That is why we have created Free Keyword Rank Checker

About keyword position checker

Keyword Position Checker is a tool that determines the position of a website or URL in a search engine (specifically, Google) for a specified keyword in comparison to competing websites for the same keyword.

For example, if you own a smartphone website, you could be interested in seeing where it ranks on Google for the search "best smartphones."

Our keyword rank tool provides you with this information for FREE. The instrument is not only quick and easy to use, but it is also incredibly dependable and effective.


How does the keyword position tool work?

Because this is a search engine ranking tool, it searches search engine results for the keyword/keywords you supplied to identify the position held by the relevant website for the keywords.

If "1" appears in the results, it signifies that the website submitted is currently ranked first on Google in the selected country. If it says "100," it signifies that you are in position #100. Do you see what I mean?

Read our SEO blog for the greatest ideas and newest updates on how to rank better on Google and other search engines if you're unhappy with your site's position on SERPs.

However, in general, you should perform the following:

  • Regularly release high-quality content.
  • Creating high-quality backlinks
  • Conduct keyword research
  • Conduct SEO audits on your website on a regular basis.
  • Make your content RankBrain-friendly (because it is the third most important Google ranking signal).
  • All of this and more.

You should also use our other free SEO tools, such as the Keyword Suggestions Tool, Backlink Maker, and Keyword Competition Checker.